My name is Nick de Wolf, I am 31 years old and after finishing the Master Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands, I soon started teaching at my original bachelor. While I enjoyed teaching a lot, I also felt the itch to tackle interesting data science problems instead of only teaching others how to tackel them. This made me apply at the Center for Big Data Statistics at CBS as a data scientist. Starting from an early age I have already been interested in programming, starting with simple websites with just plain HTML, I gradually learned more and more programming languages, and my interest has only grown. Fastforwarding to the present I have now finished the Master Artificial Intelligence at the UvA, and with my master I have specialized towards the Computer Vision and Machine Learning branch.
I would love to use my knowledge that I have gathered through my studies during my work, and hence I am always looking for new challenges in which I can develop my skills even further. Incase you are in need of someone who is familiar with the most recent approaches within the field of Artificial Intelligence, do not hesistate to check my CV or email me.

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